
Are you looking for a job in the healthcare industry? Are you interested in working in Finland?

We are looking for registered nurses, doctors, masseurs, fysiotherapists and other healthcare professionals to serve our customers. We offer work in the public and private sector in nursing homes, hospitals, Spas etc..

At first, you will have to work as a assistant or support nurse. As your language skills improve, you will have the opportunity to study and complete the required official registration as a nurse or doctor, etc. in Finland. Depending on your basic training and motivation, this will take two or three years.

In order to be able to apply for a job in Finland and survive in your future job, you necessarily need basic Finnish language skills. Knowing the Finnish language helps you adapt to the working community and enjoy your work.

We teach Finnish as an online course and by e-mail. The studies mainly focus on acquiring the Finnish language skills needed for nursing work. Learning basic vocabulary usually takes about six months. After the approved language test, we help you make a job application to Finnish nursing companies and help with the arrangements.

I work as a consultant and recruit high-quality and skilled employees from abroad to  Finland.

More information: icegaps (@ )  


Triggeri on ns. kipukoukku tyyppinen laadukkaasta, koivuvanerista tehty hierontaväline. Tällä välineellä ylettyy painamaan lihasten kipupisteitä juuri oikeassa kulmassa.

Kipupisteet (Trigger-pisteet) esiintyvät usein niska-hartia seudussa, yläraajoissa sekä alaselkä- ja lantion alueen kipusyndroomien yhteydessä, mutta myös nivelrikossa ja reumasairauksissa. Nämä pisteet ovat noin sormenpään kokoisia tai pienempiä pisteitä, jotka löytyvät tunnustelemalla kipeää lihasaluetta. Pistettä painamalla ja kevyesti hieromalla kipu vaimenee ja lihasalue rentoutuu.

The trigger is a pain hook-type massage tool made of high-quality birch plywood. With this tool, you can press the pain points of the muscles at just the right angle.

Pain points (Trigger points) often occur in the neck-shoulder region, in the upper limbs and in connection with pain syndromes in the lower back and pelvis, but also in osteoarthritis and rheumatic diseases. These points are about the size of a fingertip or smaller and can be found by palpating the painful muscle area. By pressing and lightly massaging the point, the pain subsides and the muscle area relaxes.

Päästikuks on kvaliteetsest kasevineerist valukonks-tüüpi massaaživahend. Selle tööriistaga saate vajutada lihaste valupunkte täpselt õige nurga all.

Valupunktid (Trigger point) tekivad sageli kaela-õla piirkonnas, ülajäsemetel ning seoses valusündroomidega alaseljas ja vaagnapiirkonnas, aga ka osteoartriidi ja reumaatiliste haiguste korral. Need punktid on umbes sõrmeotsa suurused või väiksemad ja neid saab leida valulikku lihaspiirkonda palpeerides. Punktile vajutades ja kergelt masseerides valu taandub ja lihaspiirkond lõdvestub.